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Day trips

At the Prague railway-station Smíchov trains to Karlšteijn
run regulary. It is a nice journey along beautiful railwaystations. It
is a 30 minute walk from the station along the mainstreet of the
town Budrany (were many souvenirs are sold) to the castle of Karlšteijn.
The building of the castle started in 1348 and lasted to 1365. Karl 4th
was the first inhabitant. You can visit it but only with a guide.

The building of this castle started in the 14th century.
The last occupant was archduke Frans Ferdinand d’Este. He married beneath
with countess Žofie Chotková. They got sick of all the backbiters
in Vienna, therefore they moved to the castle of Konopište. He had
huge fancy for hunting. Thousands of animal heads decorate the walls of
the castle. You can visit the castle with a guide.

Something totally different is Terezin. In 1942 the town
of Terezin started to function as a transit camp. Jews were accommodated
and then send to concentrationcamps. Al together 150.000 Jews from Germany,
the Czech republik, Slovakia, Denmark and the Netherlands end up in Terezin.
33.000 people died in Terezin itself, 84.000 were deported to other camps
mainly to Auswitz.

Podebrady is especially known as a health resort. It’s a
nice quiete town, wich is worthwhile visiting on a sunny day when you have
plenty of time on your holiday.
Prerov nab labem
The open-air museum of Prerov nab labem is one of the oldest
of the Czech republic. You can have a look at farmers and village houses
from the 18th and 19th century.
Sorry for the inhabitants of this town, but this town
is not worthwhile visiting.